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Containerization Operational Maturity - Landing Page 2

Is your organization grappling with the complexities of container adoption?

Tailored for organizations at any point in their container adoption journey, this framework guarantees that you're not merely embracing technology but also revolutionizing your operations for maximum efficiency and security.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Assess personal skills, IT org structure, application feasibility, and tooling/platform readiness.

  • Bespoke Insights: Receive tailored recommendations based on your organization's unique context.

  • Security by Default: Prioritize security in your container strategy to protect your assets effectively

Understanding the Maturity Model

Why Choose Our Containerization Operational Maturity Framework?

A strategic, informed approach is essential in the rapidly evolving landscape of container technology. Our framework provides the insights necessary to adopt containerization and excel in your journey, enhancing your overall strategy and execution. With an emphasis on security, efficiency, and optimization, our tool is your organization's compass to navigate the complex terrain of container adoption successfully.


  • Streamlined Operations: Identify bottlenecks and streamline your container adoption process.

  • Risk Mitigation: Understand the operational risk profile for running container based applications in your business.

  • Application Awareness: Assess your application landscape to gauge the current status while aligning with the prerequisites for a prosperous container strategy implementation.

  • Tooling Efficiency: Identify the necessary tools and timing wisely; avoid excessive investment in the initial stages.

    Example - The Model


Download the Self-Assessment today!

Fill out the form to download the assessment framework and begin evaluating your containerization readiness.