We’re keeping it simple! Sometimes it can be hard managing all the different version numbers across software and which versions work with which. To make this more transparent and easier to manage, we are matching the agent version with the respective Portainer versions.
Going forward, there will be occasions where there is no change to the Agent, but changes to Portainer and vice versa (this will be detailed in our release notes).
What does this mean exactly?
When you install Portainer CE 2.6 there will be a matching Agent version 2.6 available. If you already have a Portainer instance 2.5.1 running, you’ll need to set up the Agent version 2.5.1.
This helps to remove confusion around version compatibilities when installing particular instances and when updating versions. Now, you might be asking what if I don’t follow this. What happens? Well, we want the agent to work across different versions of Portainer, however, in the future, this may not be possible. So, we recommend version pining to avoid any unplanned disruptions.
To learn more about the Portainer Agent visit https://documentation.portainer.io/agent/index.html
To learn more about upgrading your Portainer instance visit https://documentation.portainer.io/upgrade/