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Sean O'DellJuly 11, 20232 min read

Portainer with ChatGPT Experimental Support

We are excited to announce a new experimental feature; a chatbot powered by OpenAI, available in Portainer Business Edition.

Just over a month ago, we introduced Portainer Business Edition 2.18.3. Still, we chose to keep the newest experimental features quiet unless you stumbled upon it via social media or Youtube. I will be the first to admit that all the ChatGPT, OpenAI, and Generative AI talk is a bit overwhelming and often simply a buzzword before its time, but can it be useful? This experimental feature is to find that out.

We set out to provide a way for beginners to ask the bot how to deploy an app, and the bot would provide an answer that was "click to deploy" ready. With the first version, it's about 50% good enough, and its suggestions are relatively correct; however, it's not production ready yet. For that, we need the ChatGPT v4 API to be GA.

Also, in the future, we plan to use the AI to help users that want to migrate from Docker/Swarm to Kubernetes, and we can use the AI to ingest their application configuration and auto-generate a Kubernetes Manifest. Using the AI for an automated environment health check would be great, sending current settings and determining if what is configured is safe and secure. And ingesting Portainer documentation and using the bot as self-help would be fantastic too.

So, is this us adding AI for the sake of adding AI? Not really; we want to see if it can benefit our users. Please help us gauge the effectiveness by leaving a comment in the git issue tagged below.

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 12.07.05 PM

To get started, there are a few things necessary to take Portainer Assistant for a spin.


  • Portainer Business Edition (minimum of 2.18.3)
  • ChatGPT API

Introduced ChatGPT integration as an experimental feature, currently not recommended for production environment use.

Getting Started

The opportunities are left up to the imagination or technological capability, but we wanted to start simple. As Neil demonstrates in the associated Youtube video, the ability to provision a WordPress Stack to Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

This experimental feature is something we are excited about. Because other infrastructure tooling also incorporates ChatGPT, we want your feedback positive or negative. I will be the first to admit that feedback can go either direction, so let's keep it civil and deliver an outcome that works for everyone.


Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 12.07.00 PM

As you can note from the screenshot above, Portainer wants to ensure everyone what data Portainer does not have access to and what ChatGPT (or OpenAI) does have access to.

  • Portainer does NOT store any information related to the chat data
  • Portainer does NOT forward sensitive information to OpenAI, outside of what you might query in the chat.
  • Chat responses may contain inaccurate information
  • Response times can be slow, due to the nature of OpenAI API

But you don't have to take our word for it; you can experience it by taking advantage of our Take 3 Nodes program. Prepare to be amazed!



Sean O'Dell

Sean O'Dell leads the Marketing organization and Developer Advocacy efforts at Portainer.


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